AUDIPOG's historic

AUDIPOG is an association of health workers working together since 1980 for the development of an information system in perinatality in order to control perinatal health in France continuously and to assess medical practices.

2024 Participation in the update of obstetric and perinatal components developed by ANS under the aegis of CNGOF (in French).
2023 AUDIPOG provided methodological and financial assistance for reaching consensus on the expected content of a birth plan (in French).
2021 AUDIPOG is on Twitter. Follow us to find out our news.
Development of a mobile application on risk of acidosis.
2020 AUDIPOG is 40 years old ! See our press release for this event.
Agreement with CARO
2019 Roulette des bébés : construction of the tool and development of a mobile application
2018 Our association is now referenced in Datadock as training organisation.
Our logo is updated.
Participation in the development of quality guidelines on le contenu minimum attendu dans le dossier obstétrical du post-partum en maternité pour la mère et son (ses) nouveau-né(s) (in french)
2016 Participation in the development of quality guidelines on les indicateurs qualité en maternité (in french)
2015 Development of a mobile application about neonatal curves
2014 Publication of Volet Grossesse et Périnatalité (Cadre d'Interopérabilité des Systèmes d'Information de Santé) by ASIP Santé with the participation in its elaboration of AUDIPOG since 2011.
2012 Database on the website has been changed. We have, for every maternity and each year, just one month.
2009 AUDIPOG is an approved body for continuing professional development by HAS until November 29th, 2011.
2008 Certification of Web site by HON.
Works in collaboration with HAS. Databases as methodology for continuing professional development scheme.
2006 Resumption of the activities of the society AUDIVAL by AUDIPOG.
Agreement with CNGOF and CNSF.
2003 Creation of AUDIVAL, AUDIPOG's partner society, advice, studies, information system research and health assessment
2000 Structuring of the France-Périnat information system.
puce The perinatal file shared between networks
1999 Creation of the AUDIPOG website.
puce Statistical consultation of the AUDIPOG database.
1998 Labelling of perinatal softwares.
puce Automation of the exports to institutional systems (PMSI, CS8,...)
1994 Creation of the AUDIPOG Sentinel Network.
puce Currently 1 124 237 births.
1980 Creation of the AUDIPOG by the Pr. Claude Sureau.
puce First common perinatal file, which is currently a reference within the speciality